Building Your Food Safety Culture
Animal Feed Preventive Controls Training © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Feed PC Training Inc educational consultants animal feed gmp audits
Registration is open now for fall summits / classes. email with questions.
Animal Food Preventive Controls Qualified Individuals (PCQI) training: We offer in-person and virtual formats. In-person: This is the standardized curriculum recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration for training individuals to be qualified to oversee the safe manufacture of animal food (PCQI). The Preventive Control Summit (including enhanced content and an additional half-day of education) price is $800 - $950 per student which includes your FSPCA certificate fee, breaks, refreshments, participant's guide and workbook. Learn how to write and update an animal food safety plan. The course is a prerequisite for inspectors conducting FDA CGMP inspections. Students will likely be a mix of regulators, pet food manufacturers, and feed manufacturers.
The course runs 3 days. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate from the Food Safety Preventative Controls Alliance signed by AAFCO. You must be present the entire 20 hours to receive a certificate. We’ll be finishing around 4PM on day 3 but will stay until all questions are answered.
About us: We value a culture of making food safe for your children or pets to eat. Our company was formed in 2016 to deliver the training needed to implement FSMA and build a food safety culture in the feed industry. Our instructors deliver the courses often and have the experience to answer your questions. Please reserve your own hotel room. We have not established a room block for students.
Fall Preventive Control Summit Agenda With Enhanced Content:
Day 1 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Introductions & Logistics
Chapter 1: Regulatory Overview and Introduction to the Rule
Chapter 2: Current Good Manufacturing Practice
Chapter 3: Animal Food Safety Hazards
Chapter 4: Overview of the Food Safety Plan (class exercise)
Homework: Hazards in Animal Food**
Day 2 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Chapter 5: Hazard Analysis and Preventive Controls Determination (class exercise)
1:10 PM Current Trends in Compliance** - FDA Guest Speaker, TBD
Chapter 6: Required Preventive Control Management Components (class exercise)
Chapter 7: Process Preventive Controls
Chapter 8: Sanitation Controls
Homework: Justifying Control Decisions**
Day 3 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Report out of Justifications**
Chapter 9: Supply-Chain-Applied Controls
Chapter 10: Recall Plan
Marrying HACCP and FSMA food safety plans**
Summary and QA
Individual Summative Assessment
Course Evaluations
Awarding of Certificates
Day 4 Travel Day
Optional One-on-One Food Safety plan review 8AM - 6PM
This is an opportunity for an In depth review of your current food safety plan. It Includes 2 hours of review and access to follow-up support. If interested, schedule when you sign up for the summit. Cost for this additional service is $250.
The summit will cover the standardized curriculum required by FDA to become an animal food preventive controls qualified individual (PCQI). Attendance is mandatory for days 1, 2, and 3 to receive your PCQI certificate.
** For fall of 2024 in-person classes will offer additional content providing knowledge of animal food hazards, writing justifications for control decisions, merging HACCP plans and a look at industry wide compliance gaps.
Participant materials will be provided at the beginning of class in hardcopy and on a USB drive. Feel free to bring a computer but it’s not needed.
Lunches will be on your own.
Animal Food Preventive Controls Qualified Individuals (PCQI) training: We offer in-person andvirtual formats.